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In May 2008 a few young people from various parts of Poland, enthusiasts of Tratidion, met in Tarnów tyo bring the Society of St. Michael Archangel into existence. That thought had ripened in their minds for a long time. They felt the need for change, action and exit into the world. Such was the founding assumption of the Society: to join the people who love culture, are not ashamed to draw from the past and do not distance themselves from their heritage. Those people have different political views, represent various economical schools, but what joins them together is Tradition.

Tradition comprises old standards with the label: God, Honour, Fatherland, ages of our forefathers' labour, it's their legacy - our heritage. A nation cannot cut itself off from its roots, because it will wither - like a tree.. Thus we return to the outcome of the endeavour of the generations who lived before us.

Tradition is respect due for Mothers and Fathers. respect for bread, for roadside chapel, for primeval forest. Friedrich Juenger's words should be remembered: in the countryu where there is no respect for elderly people and ancient trees there will never be peace or order. Tradition is our strength, it is it that distinguishes us from other nations of Europe and the world. We live in age in which what is new is promoted and ennobled (even if it would evoke disgust and abomination) and what is old, known and tried lingers in the abyss of oblivion and nonexistence.

The aim of Society of St. Michael Archangel is the restoration of old virtues, old values, old customs, old sports, old songs and above all the Tradition of the Commonwealth - that without numbers, inhabvited by various nations, encompassing the lands from the Baltic to the Black Sea.
